Hello SW2 users,
In our efforts to continually improve SW2, we plan to release an application update on the following date:
July 9th, 2024 @ 3:30am Mountain Time
This release will address the following issues:
Frontend Changes:
- Project Header Bug
- The project links located at the top of each project page will no longer disappear once the compliance certification is signed.
- Locked Inspection Questions
- When an inspector edits the inspection questions of a report and saves, it will re-lock the questions.
Backend Changes:
- Precipitation Notifications and Tracking Bug
- Users no longer need to have the daily precipitation notification turned of for projects to track precipitation.
- Report Printing and Margins
- We have increased the margins size of all reports to prevent content from getting cut off when users physically print them.
- Print Site Maps – Missing Maps
- A bug that prevented maps from appearing on printed reports has been fixed.
Thank you,