Hello SW2 users,
In our efforts to continually improve SW2, we have scheduled an application update on the following date:
February 2, 2023 @ 3:30am Mountain Time
This release will address the following issues:
New Customizable Dashboards
Selecting Widgets
Use the “Gear” symbol to open up the widget settings menu. From here you can select which widgets you would like to add or remove from your dashboard. Once selected click “Save”
Arrange Widgets on Dashboard
Click / Press and drag each widget to the desired location. Once set click “Save” located at the bottom of the widgets.
Certifications Due Widget
Users can now certify the compliance certification on inspection reports directly from their dashboard. This widget comes with the following features:
- Search for specific projects using the search bar located at the top of the Certifications Due widget.
- Select One, Multiple, or All Inspection and certify directly from the dashboard!
- Make sure to only select the project(s) you wish to sign and review your selections carefully before continuing.
- Click “Certify Now” to sign the selected report(s).
Once “Certify Now” is clicked:
- Make sure to review each date carefully.
- Check the Electronic Authorization Signature box in the bottom left hand corner.
- Click “Ok” to sign.
Open Finding Widget
The Open Findings widget will show users how many findings are currently open for each project as well as the age of the oldest findings. This widget comes with the following features:
- The drop down feature will allow users to filter to see only specific findings types for each project.
- The search bar allows users to easily find or isolate specific projects they are assigned to.
- The Site Name and Client Name columns can be sorted A-Z or Z-A.
- Each project row comes with a quick link to “View Project”
- The “Show More” / “Show Less” button will expand or minimize this widget horizontally.
Findings Overview Widget
The Findings Overview widget will show users findings statistics to gauge how many findings there are for each project and what rate they are being completed. This widget comes with the following features:
- The drop down feature will allow users to filter to see only specific findings types for each project.
- The search bar allows users to easily find or isolate specific projects they are assigned to.
- The Site Name and Client Name columns can be sorted A-Z or Z-A.
- Each project row comes with a quick link to “View Project”
- The “Show More” / “Show Less” button will expand or minimize this widget horizontally.
Inspections Due Widget
The Inspections Due widget will show users a list of inspections that they are assigned to as the “Primary Inspector”. This widget comes with the following features:
- The search bar allows users to easily find or isolate specific projects they are assigned to.
- The Site Name, Client Name, and Due Date columns can be sorted A-Z , Z-A, and by Due Date respectively.
- Each project row comes with a quick link to “View Project”, “Start Inspection” or “Past Due”
- The “Show More” button will expand this widget to take up to spots in the dashboard, horizontally.
Team Management Widget
The Team Management widget will show users a list Team Members assigned to/under the logged in User. This widget can be used to view an inspectors upcoming inspections and to manage the project assignments.
- The search bar allows users to easily find or isolate other SW2 users
- The User Role drop down will allow list to show specific User Types. (i.e Inspectors, Managers, Regional Managers)
- Use the drop down imbedded into each user’s name to view their schedule/list of projects.
- The Primary Inspector for One, Multiple, or All projects can be easily Re-assigned to another user.
- The “Show More” button will expand this widget to take up to spots in the dashboard, horizontally.
Once “Re-assign” is clicked:
Front End Changes:
- The side of screen Menu Panel can now be collapsed or expanded.
Backend Changes:
- Resizing Photos Upon Upload:
- Photos uploaded to findings will now be automatically. This change will not impact the quality of photos but will improve system response time when generating reports.
- Inspector Name on Findings Report:
- The correct inspector name will now appear on findings report generated within an inspection.
- Inspection Ready to Sign Email:
- When there are no findings required to be completed for the compliance certification to be signed, SW2 will send out an Inspection Ready to Sign notification once that report has been submitted.
Thank you